Sunday, February 26, 2012

Kombucha Tea Good For Your Health?

Is Kombucha tea good for your health? The health benefits of this tea is to boost your immunity system to prevent cancer. It also helps you improve your digestive system and your liver function. But there are no scientific information to support this health claims. Kombucha tea is composed of tea, sugar, yeast and bacteria. There are many cases that they call this tea as Kombucha Mushroom Tea but it is not a mushroom. They call it mushroom because of the colony of yeast and bacteria. By adding yeast and bacteria to sugar and tea, it will allow the mix to be fermented.

There are reports stating that the effects of drinking this Kombucha tea will upset your stomach, allergies and infections. Most of this Kombucha tea is only made at home and most of the time, it is brewed in not sterile condition that will make contamination. Brewing this tea in ceramic materials might lead to poisoning because of the acids in the Kombucha tea that may leach lead in the ceramic.

So is Kombucha tea good for your health? I think there are no god arguments that Kombucha tea is good for your health. Plus there are some reports that this Kombucha Tea that will make your stomach upset and have allergies. I think you should avoid drinking this tea when you are pregnant. It might harm the baby inside the mothers womb.


  • SaeSult GS, MPA says:
    February 26, 2012 at 11:38 PM

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